CLICK TO VIEW: We will learn about walking with God can feel like walking against the stream of the world.
What's Happening:
In this session, the boys will meet owner and missionary Stuart Sutherland of the Heritage Coffeehouse and handover the flower planter they made and hear how he brings God's kingdom to Redding. Then we head to the creek and will walk upstream to a spot and then enjoy riding inner tubes in the creek. They learn how they are chosen & set apart to be God's, and this often feels like walking against the stream of the world.
Bring swim shorts and towel. Bring enough water and a snack/lunch.
Drop-off & Pick-Up:
Drop-off is at our bus stop outside of Ninja Coalition.
In-Session Locations:
Heritage Coffeehouse (Google Maps link)
Clear Creek Gorge Overlook (Google Maps link)
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