Our first overnight DG backpacking trip was fun and filled with powerful activities themed with our topic 'Spiritual Authority'.
We headed south to the Thomes Gorge Trail to start the hike with our prepared backpacks. Already on the drive, God encountered us with new revelations in our fun DBS (Discovery Bible Study). We read Matthew 25:14-30 and talked about what it means to be good stewards of the richness & treasure God put in us.
We hiked through beautiful scenery of mountains and small creeks where God's creation totally blew us away. During the hike, we had some breaks to talk about spiritual authority. We did prophetic acts and shared about what kinds of things we are leaving behind and which new steps to take with the Holy Spirit. It felt exciting and encouraging to hear about each others' journeys on the road with God.
As we came closer to the campground in our 2.5hour walk, we went down a beautiful valley to see the Thomes Gorge Creek. It was a stunning moment to behold. Then a miracle happened! We prayed for one of the guys' twisted ankle and Jesus healed him in one moment! All the pain left after praying for it and we could continue with our trip as planned!
We arrived at the campground and set up our tents. Then we jumped into another fun activity of carrying a big log to the other side of the creek with a rope without touching the log. It was a prophetic act to remove generational baggage and claim our generational blessings.
In the evening, we gathered by the fire and talked about Holy Spirit's fire . We prophesied over each other and saw God totally show up! In the pictures you could see that the Holy Spirit was around us and blessing our trip the whole time. It was really powerful to give and receive prophetic words knowing that God was so close to us.
In the morning we had our breakfast and talked about building in the spirit and put it into practice before we went on our way back. It took some courage to step out in some prophetic acts. We could feel that God is working in and around us.
We had such a great trip with a total of 10 miles hiking and an elevation of almost 2000 feet. We were joyful, tired and filled all kinds of new thoughts and emotions from our time together, feeling ready to step into new patterns and ways of doing things in our life.
We're looking forward to the next adventure!