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Leadership Challenge

CLICK TO VIEW: God hears you and your prayers are powerful!

What's Happening:

The boys learn that in order to be a leader in life, we have to first learn how to follow God and have faith that He is leading us well. We talk about how God is often leading us down new paths that will become a good path for people who follow us. The boys do a blind-folded leadership/faith challenge and later we walk through an overgrown wilderness path where they have to make a way together. Our hike theme animal that helps us connect with the topic is: the wolf.


• Bring water and a lunch.

• Wear good hiking shoes.

• Wear swim shorts & (optional) bring water shoes!

• We recommend you put on sunblock prior to the session.

Drop-off & Pick-Up:

Drop-off is at our bus stop outside of Ninja Coalition. (Google Maps link)

In-Session Locations:

Clear Creek Access Trail, aka Gold Dredge Trailhead (Google Maps link)  


Have questions? Email Text/Call: 530-691-0125


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