Parent reviews
Miracle Stories
While we pour our heart and soul out to serve our participants and their families with love, excellence and professionalism, we cannot take credit whatsoever for the miraculous breakthroughs that happen in our students' lives. We knew that according to the research out there we would be making a great impact on kids' lives with their self-esteem and character -- but God has shown up in ways we didn't expect to really bless us. Read just some of the few miracle testimonies we've recorded from our sessions:
Healing Stories
• One boy's ankle had been hurting for weeks and was instantly healed on the "More than Emotions" hike after one of our activities that was unrelated to prayer or healing.
• One girl's severe allergies subsided completely after prayer during our "Strong Identity" session.
• One boy's extreme fear of heights was completely healed at the top of a cliff on our "Words Are Weapons" hike after praying to Jesus and asking Him to show us when that fear had first come into his life, and what He wanted to do about it.
• Many participants who have gotten headaches during sessions have had the headaches leave after praying to Jesus.
Emotional & Spiritual Breakthrough
• Several boys and girls have shared that 'God did something' in their emotional expression, either helping them to feel more or have more self-control after an activity in our "More Than Emotions" session.
• Several girls shared that their body image improved and they had peace about what they looked like in our "Vessels of Glory" session.
• One boy's 'different' emotional behavior from his past in foster care changed significantly after a season of Summit Seekers and odd behaviors, habits and fears subsided.
• One girl shared she had the courage to stand up to a friend who was bullying her after completing two seasons of our girls' program.
• Boys and girls made new friends and felt 'free to be themselves' in all of their social groups, where before they had reported feeling 'shy'.
• One boy shared he felt he grew in self-control after one of our sessions where the leader talked to him about how Jesus can help him feel his heart more.
• One girl showed up with odd behavior one day, and after sharing that she felt she was hearing evil thoughts in her head, we prayed for her and she 'felt something leave' and was able to breathe deeply and stop her crying. She enjoyed the rest of her day at the session.
• The majority of our participants have shared that they 'feel closer to God' or 'talk to God more' after completing a season with us.
• One girl shared that she stopped having nightmares after one of our sessions where we made pillows filled with God's love.
• Several participants shared that God helped them get along with their siblings more, one boy shared that he felt like he was more comfortable speaking up in his family, and one girl shared that she felt more accepted and loved by her family after one of our sessions.
• Most participants report feeling more confident and free to be themselves, having less fear, and feeling more excited to be in a leadership role after our sessions.
• One girl had the confidence to go after her dream of singing and auditioning for an important position at her church, and at the end of the season, she went for this opportunity and got it!
• We had the great pleasure and honor of getting to baptize one of our participants outside of a session with his parents for his birthday.
Miraculous Provision
• The bus we have and use for our Academy was given to us for free by a small, local church one day before we needed it for a session early on in 2023. God told us he would 'bring us a bus' and that we had to trust him and wait on him. As difficult as it was to simply 'wait' for the Lord to show up, HE DID!
• We have NEVER turned away a family who could not afford to pay tuition, and have either given away enrollment or found generous community members and businesses to help cover the cost for us and them.
Endorsements & Praise
Diana Anderson, Worship Pastor at Jubilee Church Camarillo
“Delfina's students all feel seen and known which cultivates a courage and excitement to release their own creativity.
Tom Harpham, Academy Parent
"David & Delfina are passionate about imparting tools that equip young men to navigate the ups & downs of life in a healthy, positive, Christ-centered way."
Sam, One of our Academy Program Participants
"Mom I feel so powerful when I'm in the group, like I can actually be myself.

We have been so blessed with Delfina's work with our children for many years. She is so full of love & light, and fills our kids up at every encounter!! She's a gift to our family and gifted in all that she does. She has an ability to connect, inspire and empower our daughter in a way that no other teacher does. I would highly recommend any of her programs to any aspiring, creative little lady. Thank you Passion is Powerful for igniting a love and hunger for deeper creative expression!”
Jonathan & Sandy Collins
Buck & Janilee Jones, Pastoral Staff at Nothing Hidden Ministries
"My wife and I are in marriage ministry to strengthen marriages and families. We've been privileged to know David and Delfina Geus and their creative loving outreach to young boys and girls preparing them to become powerful adults. Never before has this been as important! Parents now have a program that builds up our children and assists them in preparing our next generation to be successful in our present uncertain environment. And they do it in fun, natural, and creative ways!"
Anna Kalisz, Passion Mom, Friend, Author, Artist for Girls' Magazine in Poland "KOSMOS"
"I don’t know if Sara, my daughter, likes music or if she simply likes Delfina. But guess what? It doesn’t really matter, because Delfina’s all about passion. When she enters the house, everything becomes music around her, as it is her. And it’s wonderfully contagious."
Diana Anderson, Worship Pastor at Jubilee Church Camarillo & Founder & Director of Encompass Freedom Life Consulting
"Delfina is a spirit-led creative with an incredible mentoring and teaching gift. She genuinely sows into each young heart with inspiration, encouragement, and a unique ability to find the creative spark within and fan it into a flame! Her students all feel seen and known which cultivates a courage and excitement to release their own creativity in many different artistic expressions. Delfina is a master cultivator."
Fun Collaborations
Read about some of the fun stories from creative collaborations that Founder Delfina Geus has done with artists, brands and non-profits before the launch of Adventure Life Academy.
Past Projects With: