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02 • How He Sees Me

CLICK TO VIEW: Breaking off the lies of the enemy and claiming the truth of who we are with God's sword of truth!

What's Happening:

In this session, the girls learn about what it means to get our identity from God, and not our day-to-day emotions. We used the 'color word game' to get a real sense of what it feels like in our minds when we believe lies. They cut off lies from the enemy with a real sword as a prophetic act to show how God’s sword of truth frees us, then they got ‘truth’ words in exchange. We make big posters for our final video presentation and head downtown Redding to capture some footage in front of cool murals. The big takeaway from the session is learning that how God sees us is what makes up our identity, and that these truths are what lead us like clues toward our destiny!


Dress comfortably and warm please! We will walk around a park and sit briefly for an activity. Girls can bring a water bottle & snack if they want to.

Drop-off & Pick-Up:

Our bus stop outside of the Shasta Mall on Hilltop Dr. (Google Maps link)

In-Session Locations:

• Cascade Park (Google Maps link)

• Downtown Redding (Google Maps link)


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