CLICK TO VIEW: In this session we will talk about how our worship silences the enemy and breaks through the noise. Then we write a song together!

What's Happening:
In these 2 songwriting sessions, the girls learn about how childlike worship silences the lies of the enemy. We sing, play rhyming games, do activities that stretch our words and then we write an original song together. We continue to film fun scenes for our end of season video.
Dress warm, we're outside for part 1! Then we head to the HQ music space to sing and write music together. We will walk around the Sundial Bridge for our activities. Girls can bring a water bottle & snack if they want to.
Drop-off & Pick-Up:
Our bus stop outside of the Shasta Mall on Hilltop Dr. (Google Maps link)
In-Session Locations:
• TR Woods Park (Google Maps link)
• The Bungalow HQ (Google Maps Link)
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