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06 • Serving with Love

CLICK TO VIEW: We learn how to work as a team together, shop and prepare a meal together.

What's Happening:

In this session, the boys must decide how to use a gift card to Trader Joes as a team, shop on a budget, prepare a meal on their own, and host the parents at pickup, all within three hours! They learn to put Jesus words of loving others into action.


We are mostly inside! Dress casual. We're going to work in the kitchen!

Drop-off & Pick-Up:

Drop-off is at our bus stop outside of Ninja Coalition.

** PICK UP IS AT THE Zakaryans at 12:30pm **

Address: 21039 Shadow Hill Ln, Redding 96002

In-Session Locations:

Trader Joe's (Google Maps link)

Zakaryan Home: (Google Maps link).


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