CLICK TO VIEW: This session connects the girls' faith with action as they set out to minister to the homeless (with extra adult supervision!) with baked treats.

What's Happening:
In this session, we talk about what it means that the first shall be last, and what it looks like to serve others like Jesus. We had to park and play some games, then with the girls' $3-5 of personal money, we go shopping for baking supplies. We make a beautiful feast for the lovely least, and meanwhile the treats are baking, we continue working on our play. Then, with additional adult supervision, we head to the streets of downtown with our treats to minister to homeless men and women we meet along the way.
Dress warm, bring a snack and water.
Drop-off & Pick-Up:
Our bus stop outside of the Shasta Mall on Hilltop Dr.
In-Session Locations:
• Peppertree Ln. Park (Google Maps link)
• Safeway on Cypress
• Delfina's HQ (Google Maps)
• Good News Rescue Mission // with David // (Google Maps)
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